The format of this platform has been modeled after the Wyoming Democratic Party Platform, and is organized around three principles that Sublette County Democrats believe provide the most important guidance for public policy and legislation in 2018:
- Education
- We support limitation of class size in public schools with requisite funding.
- We support high quality education in k-12 schools, community colleges, trade schools, vocational rehabilitation programs and the University of Wyoming to provide an employment base for Wyoming businesses and industry.
- We support educational programs that address and promote acceptance of cultural diversity in order to create schools and communities that are safe and welcoming for all. We support federal and state funding to promote early education for all children regardless of economic background.
- We support rigorous certification standards for teachers, administrators, and specialists that will promote quality competent instruction for all students.
- We support efforts to increase and improve distance-learning opportunities for all educational purposes.
- We support completely at-large elections for school board members.
- We oppose spending public monies on for-profit, privately run schools.
- We support an emphasis on computer science education at all levels of the Wyoming education system.
- Health Care
- We support a national health insurance program including a Medicare based public option or a single payer system.
- We support the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act to bring basic health care to all Americans.
- We support federal funding for research in critical health areas.
- We support a self-funding medical malpractice insurance program for which the state of Wyoming provides an adequate base to begin implementation.
- We support the right for women to have access to health care services, regardless of ability to pay, including prenatal and pregnancy services; shelter and counseling for victims of domestic violence; and emergency contraception for victims of rape.
- We support funding for family planning services both domestically and internationally.
- We support legislation that allows the use of marijuana (cannabis) for medicinal purposes.
- We support Medicaid expansion for Wyoming.
- We support the Critical Access Hospital programs and legislation that funds quality rural health care.
- Social Services
- We support welfare reform that provides the necessary time and economic support for job education and retraining.
- We oppose the privatization of social security.
- Jobs/Employment
- We believe that the Wyoming minimum wage should be a living wage for all workers and include a yearly COLA.
- We believe that pensions and other retirement income should be secured for workers when firms become insolvent.
- We believe that in Wyoming, the Equality State, women should receive equal wages for equal work.
- We support the repeal of Wyoming’s “Right to Work” law.
- We support the right of all Wyoming workers to a safe workplace.
- Education
- Quality of Life
- We support the right to same-sex marriage.
- We support efforts to bring public transportation to Sublette County to facilitate access to services and resources located throughout the county.
- We support the decriminalization of possession of all cannabis products for personal use.
- We support adequate funding for all fine arts, individual artists, art, cultural organizations, and fine arts education at local and state levels.
- We support the abolishment of the death penalty.
- Immigration
- We support the adoption of the Dream Act.
- We support immigration reform.
- We support Wyoming joining and participating in the Federal Refugee Settlement Program.
- We support health care access for immigrants and refugees.
- Economy and Taxes
- We support reform and simplification of the federal income tax system.
- We support fiscal responsibility and national debt reduction.
- We support an accurate budget that includes all defense expenses.
- We support the withdrawal of subsidies and/or tax breaks to companies that outsource labor to foreign nations.
- We support taxing the wealthiest 1% at a higher rate than the middle class is taxed.
- We support taxing investment income as earned income.
- We support lifting the cap on Social Security withholdings.
- We support more transparency and regulatory oversight of our financial system.
- We oppose the sale of federally managed public lands to raise revenue.
- We oppose any transfer of federally managed public lands to the state.
- We oppose excessive revenues and profits that private agencies and companies are making on all war efforts.
- We oppose continued spending on endless wars, both foreign and domestic and support greater emphasis on diplomacy and development.
- We support placing a high priority on promoting industries other than mineral extraction to provide sustainable and diverse jobs and revenue generation for Wyoming.
- We strongly support efforts to return passenger rail service to Wyoming.
- We support investment in improved, affordable, and accessible broadband infrastructure throughout the State of Wyoming.
- Agriculture
- We support legislation requiring point of origin labeling of all food products.
- We support the legalization of industrial hemp as an agricultural crop.
- We support local sustainable agriculture.
- Environment/Natural Resources/Energy/Water
- We support that Wyoming should join other states and worldwide efforts to address human contributions to climate change.
- We support appropriate state, county, and local officials being granted access to all pertinent data needed for assessment, taxation, auditing, and environmental protection purposes.
- We support the State of Wyoming receiving the maximum rate of return on all natural resource extraction.
- We support the creation of publicly accessible continually updated water, air, wildlife and other environmental databases for the state of Wyoming.
- We support the implementation of planned economic and community development that attempts to curb urban sprawl and worsening environmental conditions for communities.
- We support efforts for industry to reduce vehicular dependence and we encourage state and local governments to use alternative environmentally friendly powered vehicles.
- We support increasing the average fuel efficiency of the nation’s vehicles.
- We support the development, funding and implementation of state programs that increase the use of renewable energy technologies.
- We support the State of Wyoming utilizing and applying waste minimization technologies such as pollution prevention opportunity assessments (PPOA) and the best available control technologies (BACT) to protect the environment and that aggressive improvements in these technologies are facilitated on a continuing basis when leasing lands to the coal, oil and gas industry.
- We support a moratorium on high level radioactive waste facilities in the state of Wyoming.
- We support a state deposit law on beverage containers including aluminum cans, plastic bottles and glass.
- We support increased monitoring and strict implementation and enforcement of the Federal Clean Air Act and Clean Water Act in a manner in keeping with the spirit and intent of those laws.
- We support measures that limit the negative effects of mineral extraction on our ecosystem.
- We support incentives to encourage businesses to utilize recycled materials.
- We support legislation requiring a minimum of 20% of energy produced in the state of Wyoming be generated from renewable resources by the year 2020.
- We support requiring all Wyoming landfills to be engineered to prevent groundwater contamination.
- We support requiring producers and manufacturers to recycle electronic waste.
- We support the repeal of the categorical exclusion clause of the energy policy act of 2005.
- We support state and federal programs that provide incentives and assistance to individuals and businesses for energy efficient modifications.
- We support responsible resource use and protection of our public lands.
- Government
- We support the separation of church and state in all public institutions.
- We support the right of reproductive choice for women including access to affordable birth control.
- We support funding maintenance of primary and secondary roads and airports in Sublette County and Wyoming in order to maintain adequate travel ways.
- We support reversal of the Supreme Court Citizens United decision.
- We support requiring federal agencies to require coal, oil and gas industry operators to locally mitigate the impacts of authorized operations.
- We support electronic voting by the Wyoming legislature that includes a public record.
- We support abolishing the Electoral College in favor of the popular vote.
- We support abolishing super-delegates within the Democratic Party.
- We support the legislature establishing a non-partisan judicial commission for redistricting.
- We support legal recognition of electronic signatures for conducting the business of government such as voting, petitions, etc.
- We support inclusion and representations in public offices from all marginalized people.
- We support term limits for all elected positions.
- We support automatic voter registration.
- Foreign Policy
- We support a foreign policy that reflects and promotes the principles of freedom, human rights and compassion without the use of force.
- We support a foreign policy that reflects and promotes the principles of freedom, human rights and compassion without the use of force.
- Civil Rights
- We support responsible gun ownership under the second amendment and gun safety initiatives.
- We support hate crimes legislation and bias act legislation inclusive of actual or perceived race, ethnicity, national origin, religion or non-religion, age, disability, economic status, sex, gender identity, gender expression, and sexual orientation.
- We support the repeal of the Patriot Act.
- We oppose mandatory sentences for non-violent crimes.
- We oppose discrimination based on actual or perceived race, ethnicity, national origin, religion or non-religion, age, disability, economic status, sex, gender identity, gender expression, and/or sexual orientation.
- We oppose the use of private prisons.
- We support comprehensive rehabilitation for incarcerated individuals.