If the information below seems out of date, check the authoritative page on WyoDems.Org.
County Party Information
Below is what County Parties have shared with us. If it is incorrect, please notify us or your local party know so we can correct it! Thanks! -ed
Counties Listed Below
Albany County Democratic Party
- Chair: Lucas Fralick
- Public eMail: albanycounty@wyodems.org
- Public Phone:
- Website: https://albanycountywyodems.org/
- Social Networks
- Meeting Times/Dates: Second Monday of every month at 6pm.
- Meeting Locations: Unitarian Universalist Fellowship, 1402 E Gibbon St, Laramie, WY 82072
Big Horn County Democratic Party
- Chair: Erik Good
- Public eMail:
- Public Phone:
- Website:
- Social Networks
- Meeting Times/Dates:
- Meeting Locations:
Campbell County
- Chair: <none>
- Public eMail: campbell@wyodems.net
- Public Phone:
- Website: https://campbell.wyodems.net
- Social Networks
- https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100091660396590
- Meeting Times/Dates: Third Thursday of every month at 6pm
- Meeting Locations: TBA–please see web page for announcements and/or email campbell@wyodems.net for direct updates
Carbon County
- Chair
- Public eMail
- Public Phone
- Website
- Social Networks
- Meeting Times/Dates
- Meeting Locations
Converse County
- Chair: Tania Malone
- Public eMail:
- Public Phone:
- Website:
- Social Networks
- Meeting Times/Dates:
- Meeting Locations:
Crook County
- Chair: Randy Leinen
- Public eMail: crookcountydemocrats@gmail.com
- Public Phone:
- Website:
- Social Networks
- Meeting Times/Dates:
- Meeting Locations:
Fremont County
- Chair: Maureen Donohoue Howell
- Public eMail:
- Public Phone:
- Website: https://turnfremontblue.com
- Social Networks
- Meeting Times/Dates: Fourth Saturday of every month at 11am
- Meeting Locations: Location varies. Check website for information.
Goshen County
- Chair: <none>
- Public eMail: goshendems307@gmail.com
- Public Phone:
- Website:
- Social Networks
- Meeting Times/Dates: Third Wednesday of every month (except for Summer of 2023) at 12pm
- Meeting Locations: Deacon’s Restaurant
Hot Springs County
- Chair: Kim Bartlett
- Public eMail: hscdemocrats@gmail.com
- Public Phone: (307) 431-1934
- Website:
- Social Networks (other links)
- Meeting Times/Dates: First Wednesday of every month at 6pm
- Meeting Locations: County Annex, 327 Arapahoe St., Thermopolis
Johnson County
- Chair: Greg Haas
- Public eMail: johnson@wyodems.net
- Public Phone: (307) 620-8575
- Website: https://johnson.wyodems.net
- Social Networks
- Meeting Times/Dates: First Tuesday of every month at 6pm
- Meeting Locations: Bomber Mtn Civic Center, Room 108 in Buffalo, WY
Laramie County
- Chair: Jordan Evans
- Public eMail: chair@laramiecountydemocrats.org
- Public Phone: (307) 631-7483
- Website: https://www.laramiecountydemocrats.org/
- Social Networks
- Meeting Times/Dates: Second Thursday of every month at 6:30pm
- Meeting Locations: Cottonwood Room of the Laramie County Library, Cheyenne
Lincoln County
- Chair: Brad Jacobson
- Public eMail:
- Public Phone:
- Website
- Social Networks
- Name:
- URL/Address:
- Meeting Times/Dates
- Meeting Locations
Natrona County
- Chairs: Chris Kost and Leslie Kee
- Public eMail: natronacountydemchair@gmail.com
- Public Phone: (307) 234-1992
- Website: https://natrona.wyodems.net
- Social Networks
- Meeting Times/Dates: Second Thursday of every month at 7pm
- Meeting Locations: IBEW Local 322 Hall, 691 English Dr, Casper
Niobrara County
- Chair
- Public eMail
- Public Phone
- Website
- Social Networks
- Meeting Times/Dates
- Meeting Locations
Park County
- Chair: Ann Pasek
- Public eMail: parkctywydems@gmail.com
- Public Phone:
- Website: https://parkcountywyodems.org/
- Social Networks
- Meeting Times/Dates: First Saturday of every month at 10am
- Meeting Locations: Alternately in Powell and Cody. Email us for more information.
Platte County
- Chair: Lauren Nordeen
- Public eMail: plattecountydemocrats@gmail.com
- Public Phone:
- Website:
- Social Networks
- https://www.facebook.com/PlatteCountyDems
- Meeting Times/Dates: Each odd month.
- Meeting Locations: Usually at Guadalajara Restaurant. Email for more information.
Sheridan County
- Chair: Martha Wright
- Public eMail: Sheridandems@gmail.com
- Public Phone:
- Website: https://sheridancountydemocrats.com/
- Social Networks
- https://www.facebook.com/SheridanDems/
- https://www.instagram.com/sheridanwydems/
- https://secure.actblue.com/donate/sheridan-county-democratic-party–wy–1
- Meeting Times/Dates: Second Tuesday of every month at 6pm
- Meeting Locations: The HUB on Smith (Senior Center) 211 Smith St. Sheridan
Sublette County
- Chair
- Public eMail:
sublette.wyodems@gmail.com - Public Phone
- Website
- Social Networks
- Meeting Times/Dates
- Meeting Locations
Sweetwater County
- Chair: Meghan Jensen
- Public eMail: SweetwaterCounty@wyodems.org
- Public Phone: 307-371-3883
- Website:
https://www.sweetwaterdems.com/ - Social Networks
- Meeting Times/Dates: Third Thursday of every month at 6pm
- Meeting Locations: Location varies. Email SweetwaterCounty@wyodems.org or text “I’m a Dem” to 307-371-3883 for more information.
Teton County
- Chair: Maggie Hunt
- Public eMail: info@tetondems.org
- Public Phone: (307) 264-0420
- Website: https://www.tetondems.org/
- Social Networks (other links)
- Meeting Times/Dates
- Meeting Locations
Uinta County
- Chair: Jaydee Pope
- Public eMail
- Public Phone
- Website
- Social Networks
- Meeting Times/Dates
- Meeting Locations
Washakie County
- Chair: Mandy Weaver
- Public eMail: washakiedems@gmail.com
- Public Phone: 307-431-0467
- Website:
- Social Networks
- Meeting Times/Dates: Quarterly meetings, watch on Facebook for date and time announcements or email us
- Meeting Locations: Varies
Weston County
- Chair: Deb Piana
- Public eMail:
- Public Phone: (307) 941-1822
- Website: https://weston.wyodems.net
- Social Networks
- Meeting Times/Dates: Third Saturday of every month at 2pm. Meeting info can be found HERE.
- Meeting Locations: Weston County Library in Newcastle. Enter via the side door facing the courthouse.
Network RSS Feed
The following are posts from county party sites in this network. There are, of course, other county parties not using this service. Please find their information to the left. Posts on wyodems.net are excluded here.
Feed Listed Below