From Uinta Dems

Note: The following came in from a Wyoming Democrat. While we attempt to share work that reflects the WDP platform, you may come across some words that are not exactly what WDP would have written. Perhaps you will agree with and value what you read below, perhaps not. Your mileage may vary.

Letter from Uinta County Dems:

If you are unhappy about what is happening on the federal level and the adverse impact of those actions on people here in Wyoming and elsewhere, then you are not alone. If you are fed up with the “culture war” legislation that is being proposed and passed in the Wyoming legislature, then you are not alone.

While most of us are too young to remember the McCarthy era during the late 1940s and through the 1950s, it should be remembered that an Executive Order 9835 was issued in 1947 to screen federal employees for possible association with any group of people designated as “totalitarian, fascist, communist, or subversive,” sometimes referred to as the “Loyalty Order.” The categorization of groups that were subversive broadened to include the LGBTQIA+ community. Public health services, including vaccinations, mental health care and fluoridation, were denounced as communist plots. Sound familiar?

Seventy-five years later, some are referring to Democrats as Leninists and Marxists. Anti-diversity, anti-scientific research, anti-immigrant, anti-public education, and anti-sexual identity actions are occurring both on the national level and here in Wyoming. Everything “woke” is being condemned – we even have a Wyoming representative who is the head of the “Anti-Woke Caucus” in the U.S. House of Representatives – even though the term simply means “aware of and actively attentive to important facts and issues (especially issues of racial and social justice).” I don’t know about you, but I am proud to be “Wyoming Woke!”

Local groups have been forming to share frustrations over these national and local developments, and to explore ways to stand their ground against these McCarthy-like attacks on our friends and neighbors. I encourage you to join one of these groups and organize with like-minded people to find ways to call out these attacks for what they are – extremism at its worst!

Indivisible is a movement of thousands of group leaders and more than a million members formed to resist the GOP agenda and fight for progressive agendas. Indivisible has recently formed a Rural Caucus to help rural areas, especially in so-called “red states”, to organize and engage in rural activism. The following is a link to help you register for the inaugural on-line meeting of the Indivisible Rural Caucus which will be held this Wednesday, February 26, at 6:00 pm, MST.

The Uinta County Democratic Party will be holding its reorganization meeting and election of officers on Wednesday, March 12, at 6:00 pm in Room 304 of the BOCES Building, 1013 W. Cheyenne Dr., Evanston. You are encouraged to attend and to become actively involved in our county organization and its good works. Wyoming elections are only two years away.  We need to begin work now in order to put forth local candidates who will focus on the serious state and local issues that are facing us – not the agenda of the Freedom Caucus that is imported from outside Wyoming.

However you decide to be involved, know that you are not alone!  We are in this together!

Tim Beppler, Chair
Uinta County Democratic Party



